
Information Technology

The IT industry is arguably the most dynamic, fastest moving, highest velocity industry on the face of the earth.  It is marked by huge industry leaders such as HP, IBM Microsoft, Google, Apple and others who are able to set standards, push aside lesser competitors and develop deep client relationships. At the same time, every day there are new firms being formed on the foundation of a great idea and a maxed out Visa card.  We’ve all seen the ability of these startups to blow apart the foundations of the large industry leaders time and time again.

While a world beating idea and elegant strategy are essential, not one of these firms has become successful without outstanding leadership.  We pride ourselves on our ability to identify, assess and recruit such executives.

We work with software developers, integrated hardware companies, IT services firms and high tech component manufacturers.  We conduct searches for general management and functional heads of sales, marketing, product development, service, and other functions.